Friday, 20 July 2012

#39 Star Friends

Good friends are like stars, you don't always see them, but you know they are always there!

I'm lucky, I have a good share of very different friends: some are tall, some are short, some are fun, others a tad serious, some are free spirits, others are conformists, some are open minded, some think the world revolve around them, some are creative, others like numbers, some are tidy neat, others are messy, some dance, some are goofy, lots cook heavenly, some are parents, a few are blood family, with some I can talk for hours, with others I can share silence. In any case, I've chosen to have them in my life, as well as they accept me to be in theirs. I'm thankful for their persona, they sure enrich and make my life colourful! Happy "Friend's Day"!


  1. Genial, Florcita! Por què serà ????????Yo tengo casi todas las clsas de amigos que vos tenès....Lo mejor es la variedad, porqwue toos nos enriquecen desde su lugar y nos hacen mejor persona de lo que ya somois...Te amamos!!!!!!

  2. que lindoooooooooooo!!! es uno de los q mas me gustan y el texto barbaro!! te quiero flor!! beso marianita
